Our Mission
As a Black Indigenous People of Color (BIPOC) collective, we seed critical consciousness about mobility justice across all communities.
Our Vision
People have the freedom and resources to move in public spaces with love and dignity.
How We Make a Difference
As educators, we act as bridges that connect community expertise with urban planning and policy advocacy through professional development activities with a range of audiences. As facilitators, we create safe learning environments where diverse, rooted communities can come together to build consciousness around mobility justice. As advocates, we build champions for mobility justice within transportation equity policy and planning.
What is Mobility Justice?
Mobility justice calls our attention to the fact that individuals face different challenges in transportation because the way we are socially controlled in public spaces manifests differently. To move toward more just mobility, we must end discrimination based on race, class, legal status, ability, gender, or age in how our travel is regulated and accommodated. PMJ acknowledges the intersections between transportation and the other parts of people’s lives and we strive toward radical safety for all through multiracial organizing, self-determination, and economic empowerment.
What is
Transportation Equity?
Transportation equity refers to correcting past discrimination in how public transportation benefits and burdens are allocated, maintained, and developed. Those who have had the least should be given the most. Mobility justice includes holding government agencies accountable to the principles they have set out in defining transportation equity and related topics such as environmental justice and transit justice.