L.A. to O.C. Dream Ride

There are many ways that an individual's immigration status enables or disables their mobility. This could take the form of anxiety they carry as they move through the city and fear arrest; it could take the form of them losing access to higher education in the only home they have ever known. In February 2011, City of Lights partnered with DACA youth to support the "L.A. to O.C. Dream Ride," an event that raised awareness about upcoming policy actions.

The ride connected the Orange County Dream Team and Dream Team L.A. as the group rode from Corazón del Pueblo in Boyle Heights to El Centro Cultural de México in Santa Ana on February 20. The Orange County Register covered the ride, which included DREAMers and local supporters. 

An invaluable outcome of this ride for City of Lights was forming a relationship with artist and writer Erick Huerta, El Random Hero, who went on to become a core member of the MCM programs team.

LA to OC Dream Ride flyer 2.20.2011.jpg