Eastside Sol Bike Rodeo

Eastside Sol is a community celebration of art, music, and a healthy environment for the Eastside community of Los Angeles. This is a free event for families and residents to learn about and participate in clean energy demonstrations and pilot projects. MCM lead a family friendly Spanish-language bike rodeo that featured important bike safety lessons to encourage safe cycling in our communities. The rodeo was hosted bilingually ranging from basic bicycle maintenance to rules of the road when riding on the the streets.  MCM League Certified Instructors (LCIs) provided hands on training on different bike riding techniques geared for youth and adults. The LCIs will begin with a safety discussion and share techniques on how to ride safely in a group, determine signals for communicating road hazards, and best practices for riding a bicycle in traffic with or without bicycle infrastructure (lanes, sharrows, paths, etc.). Each attendee will receive a certificate of completion as well as a helmet, bike lights, patch kits and maps of bike routes in the city. MCM partnered with Eastside Sol in 2016 and 2017.